SEO has sure changed over the last year, but that is a given and should come as no surprise given that Google changes its algorithm 500-600 times per year. What worked just one month ago could tank your site today. Yet there are quite a few things that still hold true and there are quite a few things you can count on working over the next year to improve your search rankings.
In today’s SEO climate you need to focus on how people interact and engage with your website. Keeping track of and understanding your website statistics is vital to success. Google provides the tools needed, but many webmasters lack the knowledge and skill to apply it, especially when it comes to evaluating the performance of site content. Google Analytics can help you with your analysis. Yet this same tool so many webmasters under utilize or have difficultly gathering enough information about their content into Google Analytics for a through analysis. Google schema and Google Tag master can easily help you achieve this.
Which brings us to the topic of Google Schema. So many webmasters do not even know what this is. Schema is a way of marking up your content for not only Google, but also other search engine providers. When you use Schema you are helping the search engines to better understand not only your content but also it’s context, which helps the search engine to better deliver your pages to people searching for the content in the search engines. Schema helps you to deliver targeted organic web traffic to your website. If you do not have Schema consider hiring a coder to add it, or if you have a word press site there are plugins that can have you up and running in minutes. Schema is pretty much the modern day equivalent of meta data tags of yesteryear’s gone by. Why is Schema important for Google Analytics? Simple it can break down content by Author, date updated, keywords, categories, genre, article id the publish date, and more. With this tool we can look at for example all articles on say SEO written by Jack Smith in Google Analytics.
Inside of Google Tag Manager you can set up custom macros to grab all itemprop schema by creating a single macro.
function() {
var metas = document.getElementsByTagName(‘meta’);
for (i=0; i
{{metadata – datePublished}}
{{metadata – author}}
{{metadata – content group}}
{{metadata – keywords}}
By entering this into Google Analytics you can pull up tons of valuable data about your website with the click of a button.
1) Add Schema
2) Create custom Macros via Google Tag manager
3) Port them to Google Analytics as Custom Dimensions or as Content Groups
4) Pull any needed information in Google Analytics via the custom macros we created.
So not only will this help your search rankings it can also help you to pull up any information about your websites content in an instant that you want to take an in depth look at.